With Liam Boehm


Liam Boehm is a 29-year-old survivor of both severe tinnitus and hyperacusis. His drumming-induced condition sent him to many specialists in Melbourne, Australia. None could help him, and after undergoing medical treatments, one of which being invasive surgery, Liam finally decided to accept his fate of living with his issues. He quit drums, pulled back from socialising, and eventually used drugs and alcohol as a way to learn to live with his issues.

However, after three and a half years of this, his tinnitus and hyperacusis only worsened, causing him to contemplate suicide as a way out. Eventually, Liam chose life instead and embarked on a journey worldwide, a quest for silence.

Liam eventually found that silence, and for the past four and a half years, has been teaching others what he uncovered.

In this episode:

How to stop Tinnitus,

Liam's Story

Root causes of Tinnitus


Mindset, wisdom, and so much more

Episode resources: 


Instagram: @liam_stops_tinnitus

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SPONSOR: Coffee enema Solution